The southern part of the Pacific coast of Mexico is on alert now that hurricane Barbara is moving in closer with a speed of appr. 75 miles per hour. The forecast is warning people about a 6 to 12 inches of rain and an expected storm surge of a max. of 5 feet above normal tide levels. The US national Hurricane Centre predicts that hurricane Barbara will most likely make land fall close to the port of Salina Cruz, which is home to Mexico’s largest oil refinery.
School is canceled in the coastal communities for the rest of the week and the appr. 4000 people who are living in Chiapas, located in the region between Puerto Angel and Barra de Tonala, are being evacuated. Emergency shelters are being prepared in the state of Oaxaca and set up throughout the region.
Mexico’s National Meteorological Society has warned the following states to prepare for floods, landslides, heavy rain fall, strong winds and rising water.